Visualization of funding allocations against Nuclear, biologic and chemical threats.


Trumpet Solos


These are for trumpet solo with piano accompaniment. Look under Ensembles for music that includes trumpet and other instruments.

Golden Proportions #3 for Trumpet

The links below are PDF files. Recordings and the full score can be found on the Golden Proportions Works page.

Part 1 Score    
Part 2 Score Tpt Tpt: minor 3rd lower
Part 3 Score Tpt  
Over There Score and Part

Puzzle: Examine the Trumpet Part in F music. One valve, in combination with others, can be held down for the entire piece with the exception of two notes. Which valve can be held, and which two notes cannot be played with that valve held down?

Play the piece using the fingering that solves the puzzle

Spring Has Come

Repertoire – Music for Brass Quartet: 2 trumpets, french horn, and trombone.