The HD25 website has moved to its own domain at

HD25 Strategy Meeting – March 15, 2024


HD25 Strategy Meeting


See Where (below) for in-person and Zoom participation.

The proposed agenda for the Friday meeting:

  • Quick Christina Parajon legislation report.
  • Revisit the circles we came up with last spring
  • Set goals for 2024. Perhaps we set goals on a month-by-month or quarterly basis?
  • Review this website
  • Review the
  • Finances: we have discussed it but haven’t really formalized how to handle it.
  • Outreach:
    • What targets can we work toward within HD25?
    • Should we coordinate an effort to help campaign outside of HD 25? If so, how and which campaigns?
  • What dates should we propose for the next strategy meeting?
  • How do we, as HD-25, interface and coordinate with Indivisible?
  • Do we want to sponsor/hold an event? Why, what, where, who, blah, blah blah.

Directions to Oso Grande Tech Center:

725 6th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM

Text Paul at (207) 812-8932 when you’re at the door. 

Oso Grande Office Map

ZOOM link:

Topic: HD15 Strategy Meeting
Time: Mar 15, 2024 06:00 PM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 948 7054 3334
Passcode: 566998

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