
Student Schedule

This Week Next Week General Time Sun 18 Mon 19 Tue 20 Wed 21 Thu 22 Fri 23 Sat 24 8:00 am Daniel: 30 8:30 am Marisol: 60 Max: 30 9:15 am Anabel: 60 9:30 am John: 45 -> 10:00 am SWCP 11:00 am Felice Rider 2:00 pm Elliott: 30 Mack: 20 3:30 pm Daniel: […]


Student Schedule

Performance Event

All information is held in strict confidence and will be used for pedagogical purposes only. Please submit this information for any music performances you do. Performances First NameLast NameDateTimeEvent Type– Select –Studio RecitalNMSM RecitalNMSM ConcertSchool ConcertCompetitionNot SureOther…Event TitleCompetition ResultOther event typeDescriptionSubmit Form

Student Information

Student information All information is held in strict confidence and will be used for pedagogical purposes only. Student Info Student with Parent/Gaurdian Include Parent Include 2nd ContactThe second contact is recommended mainly for parents with students. For adult students, deselect “Include Parent.” Primary Parent/Guardian Information First NameMiddle NameLast Name, SuffixPreferred NameRelationship to StudentPreferred Communication– Select […]

Horn Etudes

French Horn Studies & Etudes Intro Basics Etudes Songs Because the french horn has a much wider range than most other brass instruments, etudes and songs referenced on this webpage can be augmented by exploring the low brass and the trumpet pages. Quick Links You will need the following documents in addition to any you […]

Low Brass Etudes

Low Brass Studies & Etudes Intro Basics Etudes Songs It is important that students warm up (at least 15 minutes) before their lesson. Please also be sure the instrument is properly oiled so we don’t lose time getting the instrument to work properly. Students should have a three-ring binder devoted to the material they will […]

Trumpet Pedagogy: basics, etudes, and song sheets

Trumpet Studies & Etudes Intro Basics Etudes Songs Try to practice at leas half an hour each day on average. You will need the following documents in addition to any you already have: Practice Evaluation Harmonic Series Etudes Thrills of Trills Scaleworks Plan   For the Practice Evaluation, each column represents a practice session. The […]


Pedegogy Trumpet Etude Page French Horn Etude Page Low Brass Etude Page

Elements of music

The links on this page are downloadable PDFs. You can view them by clicking on them. Basics & Notation Pitch & Scales Rhythm & Counting Basics BasicsBasic elements of music notation with worksheets. Pitch Pitch NotationBasic Pitch Notation Pitch NamesQuick overview of pitch naming convention Pitch QuizPitch related quiz OrnamentsMelodic Ornaments Rhythm Rhythm NotationBasic rhythm […]